10 months


10 months….

If I am completely honest, I have gone to write this blog time and time again!  The words were just not coming to me, I kind of felt I was all blogged out.  I mean what’s the point of writing if you feel you don’t feel you have anything half decent to write. I have been in a bit of a blog slump, not feeling it and not feeling any urge to do it.  I always said I will only write if I get the feeling too and if I feel it will help me and others.  Anyway…here goes.

SO…..today I am 10 months and 3 days sober, to be precise! A lot has gone on since my last blog.  Actually, the last blog (8 months) I deleted because my family expressed that I had let to much of my personal life out, in regard to my relationship.  When I read it back, I realised they were right.  Some things should stay private and between us, so lesson learned!  

As I was coming into the summer a few months ago, I knew that I had a few things planned that would involve alcohol.  First big thing for me was our family BBQ, I was so nervous about this, I can’t explain how nervous I was.  I felt sick to my stomach at the thought of being around so much drink and expecting to be relaxed.  Rob knew how nervous I was, and he tried his best to understand and in fact he was brilliant and very reassuring.  Some people will read this and say “what’s the big deal about not drinking”.  But for me it is and always was, I am naturally quite an introvert, I wouldn’t go as far as shy but I have always used drink as my security blanket, my little confidence boost I suppose.  When that is taken away then what is left, boring old Stacey, well that’s how I see it.  When I used to go out with work or my friends, drink was what made me ‘fun’.  Everyone loved fun Stacey, I would chat to anyone and everyone.  I am not a very sociable person, I have my small group of close friends and my family, I don’t stretch myself any further than that.  Drink made me sociable, drink made me want to be friends with everyone, love everyone!  Anyway back to the BBQ……I was very nervous because there were lots of people there I didn’t know and I didn’t want to sit in the corner with my lemonade acting like a shy idiot.  As soon as I got there I was at ease, pretty much straight away.  The nervous belly went, the shakes went (I’m not kidding) and I felt relaxed.  I feel relaxed with Robs family of course but it was everyone else, it was a big do.  Everyone was so lovely and surprisingly I was off and mingling on my own with other people I had just met.  It was a really enjoyable day.  The hard part came in the evening when the drink was flowing and people were drunk, I was watching them open bottle after bottle and I wished so much that I was doing that with them.  I walked past  a lot of alcohol in the kitchen and thought I could just take a gulp and no one would know, the temptation was real.  I was watching them have fun, play music, singing and having a good time.  I sat and thought is this my life now, being the outsider looking in, I wanted to be singing and being drunk with them.  I sat imagining being on holiday with them all and how much fun it would be with us all drinking and playing the guitar and just having an amazing time.  I feel the same about my family and watching them all drinking, singing and having fun, laughing about stupid shit that you only find funny when drunk.  We stayed until 1am which was a lot later than I thought I would last, I was watching Rob enjoying himself and I didn’t want to stop for him.  The strange thing is that I want to drink and miss it more when I am with family, mine and Robs than I do just going out to a bar. I think because its more intimate and special and I feel I am missing out.  The next day I was pretty low tbh, I felt all the hard work the past 9 months had been pushed away because I was still relating drink to fun and still cant be in situations without wanting to drink.  I was thinking maybe I could just drink socially again when with family. We all know how that would end!  Not long after, I realised I was being hard on myself.  I haven’t even been sober for a year so I cant expect everything that I have been programmed to believe, to disappear in a few months.  CUT YOURSELF SOME F*****G SLACK STACE!!!  Another reason I was low is because I had only recently found out my Mum has cancer which hit me like a tonne of bricks.  My worst fears coming true, that I would lose my Mum.  The fear I have about my Mum can and has been extreme in the past, it has always been a big issue for me and sometimes not normal.  I have explained in previous blogs about this and how its become so overwhelming at times. I always thought that if my Mum died then I would have to die too, I couldn’t live without my Mum. Of course my rational brain knows better and knows this couldn’t be the case but that’s how deep it went and still does. So I was very surprised with myself and how I dealt with it, of course I was devasted and in private was a mess.  But I had an overwhelming feeling that I had to be strong for my Mum and I had to for once really put my Mum first.  My Mum is the most selfless person I know, my feelings always come before her own. She doesn’t want sympathy, she doesn’t want me to be scared or upset, so she puts on a brave face and says she is fine and just kept saying sorry that she was putting us through this!  She is unbelievably strong and I am in ore of her and in my eyes is simply amazing.  I straight away reassured her and Rob that I would absolutely not drink and I meant it.  Of course a massive part of me wanted to bury my head in vodka and day dreamed of being able to just get completely unconscious so I could forget it all for one night. I know myself and I couldn’t be so selfish and put her though that worry with everything else she is dealing with, I could and would not do that to her.  Today she has started treatment and if I’m honest I am petrified.  Outside of bone marrow, it’s the worst treatment to have in the place she is having it and she is going to go through hell and back.  I have tried to mentally prepare myself with what’s to come but I am not sure how too.  If I could take it all myself, I would in a heartbeat.  This treatment will save her life but none the less it will be heart breaking watching her go through it.  Rob has been amazing, supported me and taken care of me in ways that I didn’t know I needed.  I don’t let go to much because I get scared I will just break down but he pushes me to let go and just cry which is sometimes all I need. My step Dad is amazing, he really has been her rock through this and seeing how he has been has made me love him even more than I already did, if that’s possible. When my Mum came out the operation and left the hospital, she said he just burst into tears which made me cry hearing it.  I don’t think I have ever seen him cry!  She has a long journey ahead of her but she will come through it and be stronger than ever.  I couldn’t be anymore proud of her if I tried.  I love you Mum more than life itself.

The following week I had my best mates hen do, another thing I was unbelievably nervous about but again I was very surprised at how easy it was.  I was organising most of it so that kept me busy and occupied and to be sober and with it for her hen do meant so much to me because I would actually be able to remember it.  Of course I had my moments, but my other best mate stayed sober with me and another one is pregnant.  I realised how old I am actually getting when we were in the club because that was my breaking point, it wasn’t my scene when I was drinking, which is why I drank so much in the first place, so being sober in that environment was a big no no for me!  But I did it and had the best day with my beautiful bride to be and was 100% worth staying sober for.  Funnily enough only a couple of the girls were drunk which shocked me.  It showed me that I was the piss head, I was the liability and I was the crazy one because everyone else was having fun but no one was legless! Clearly that was only ever me…..

We have recently been to Cornwall for a week with all my family, we had the most amazing time.  I haven’t been with all my family for over 2 years and not been on a holiday all together since we were kids.  It was for my brothers 30th and we just had the best time. My older brother and Rob get along so well and its amazing too see, makes me want them to move back from Poland so we can do things like that.  My step son Jaden loved my brothers, he just wanted to be with them all the time and they treated them like there own flesh and blood which was very heart warming to see.  My Mum was meant to be there but of course couldn’t.  We were all missing her terribly, but we all knew it was the right thing to do.  Being Auntie for the week felt amazing, I don’t get to be Auntie because they all live far away, it was honestly the absolute best holiday.  Rob and I didn’t argue at all, we barely argue anymore..  Of course normal bickering as normal lol.  The past 6 years we have argued a lot and turns out it was all because of the drinking, the penny finally dropped.  The difference is that the things that used to get to me just don’t anymore, I can easily let them go and that is because I am not drinking, my mental state is just so much better.  Rob has totally relaxed because he isn’t worried about me or worried what might happen next.  I have said this before but the love I have for that man is out of this world and I will spend the rest of my life with him.  He has helped me become the best version of me. 

I am 2 months away from being a year sober.  Since finding out about my Mum, everything else seems so trivial.  Life happens and not always the way you think it will.  I don’t want to drink, I don’t want to be hungover, I don’t want to be depressed.  I want to live, be healthy mentally and physically, be happy in my own skin, be with my family and the people I care about.  Things are going to be hard for a while and really shit but my Mum isn’t going anywhere and neither are the people I love.  A lot of things are going to change for me, I can feel it in my bones.  My life is getting better and I am finally starting to love myself again. I wont take life for granted and the life I have I will enjoy and one day I will love going out socially and not drinking because the happiness it brings will outweigh all of that. 

So…that’s it for now, until next time.

God bless xxxxxx


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